◗ Top Gear Top: Police pursue the cars competing in the illegal DeLeon street race in California. Bottom: Hurlbut and Necessary discuss the Cine Moves slider on the front of the Elemento Pod car with the C500 and the Canon lightweight 30-105mm zoom. Hurlbut says this was the vehicle that put the actors in the driver's seat during all stunt sequences. 58 April 2014 American Cinematographer camera - the one we'd blow up, light on fire or toss off a bridge - was the GoPro Hero3. Most people use GoPros for 12-frame or 24-frame cuts, but we used them for 4 to 6 seconds. There's an amazing shot where the GoPro is on a car as it goes off a bridge and crashes onto the rocks below; that was all real and all GoPro." Not everything went perfectly, however. "We ended up accidentally destroying two C500s and two 1DCs," Hurlbut admits. "One of the C500s got hit at 90 mph, and all that was left was the circuit board. About an hour later, a homeless man brought us our 14mm Cooke lens, which had ricocheted two blocks down the street!" Hurlbut estimates the production's final camera package comprised 15 C500s, four Alexas, 11 1DCs and 20 GoPros. (A Vision Research Phantom Flex was brought in for a few 300-fps shots.) Such an arsenal of cameras